NAB 2015 Präsentationen Cinema 4D Cineversity

Cinema 4D Lösung

NAB 2015 Präsentationen Cinema 4D Cineversity

For everyone who was not able to experience the presentations live or via live stream at this year’s NAB, these can now be viewed in full length at

In the next three weeks, all presentations will be made available, arranged according to topics for free viewing. The first presentations will be those from Steven Messing, Craig Whitaker, Michael Rosen and Alan Demafilies – artists who made captivating presentations all about projection mapping. These artists use projects such as Boardwalk Empire, Star Trek and Microsoft’s Modern Workspace to show how to use Cinema 4D in everyday production workflows and give users great insights into their own workflows.

More high-caliber presentations will follow in the coming weeks covering scripting, medical illustration, simulation, motion graphics, lighting and rendering!

Visit to check out all presentations as soon as they’re available.

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Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Frank Will